How to install Timiza app and apply for a loan

To begin using and enjoying ABSA Timiza loans and services, you will first need to install the Timiza banking app on your phone. Below find a step by step guide on how to do this in the fastest way. Also, make sure you have the timiza loan app download.
Steps on how to install Timiza Barclays Timiza app
Once you have the Timiza app download, proceed to install it by following the steps below.
- Open android Play store on your mobile phone
- On the top of the android play store there is a search bar, type in ‘Timiza‘ and press search
- Select ‘Timiza‘
- Select ‘install‘ and wait for the timiza mobile app to install
- Press ‘Open‘ to begin using Timiza.
The Timiza App is well optimized for most android devices android devices. It is below 15 MBs in size meaning it will not consume too many bundles when downloading. Always make sure that you have enough data on your phone when downloading mobile apps. Enjoy Timiza mobile app.
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