fuliza loan limit

Fuliza loan limit, charges, and interest rate (2025) – tariffs

If you are here, you may be wondering what your Fuliza loan limit is and how to check it. We shall take you through the whole process of doing so in a few easy steps. Also, we detail all the interest rates and charges when you use Fuliza mpesa service on your phone.

fuliza loan limit

Fuliza acts as an overdraft facility that helps Safaricom users complete m-pesa transactions even if they do not have enough money in their M-Pesa wallets. Customers can complete transactions such as sending money to a user or services offered by lipa na mpesa.

What is the Fuliza loan limit?

The maximum loan limit for Fuliza is Ksh 70,000 meaning a user can transact using m-pesa up to this amount. M-pesa user can get to this amount by using Fuliza a lot and repaying the amount borrowed on time. However, to reach this Fuliza mpesa limit amount, you must transact large amounts of money in your m-pesa wallet.

On the other hand, the minimum loan limit for Fuliza is between Ksh 1 to 100 to offer complete transactions on mpesa. This looks like a small amount, however, you can grow this amount depending on a few factors.

How do I check my Fuliza loan limit?

To check your Fuliza limit balance, dial code *234# and select Fuliza mpesa. Next, you will select check your limit. Wait for an SMS message confirming your available limit. That is how to check Fuliza limit.

How can you increase your Fuliza limit?

The fastest way to increase your Fuliza limit is by making sure you use mpesa a lot to make purchases and other transactions such as paying for bills and services. Also, use your Fuliza a lot when you can. At the same time, make sure you repay the amount Fulizad. Those are the two main ways of increasing your limit. 

Fuliza loan charges and interest rate (updated 2025)

Since Fuliza is an overdraft facility offered to you by Safaricom when using their m-pesa service, it attracts charges on the amount borrowed. These charges are the access fee and the daily maintenance fee.

Below find the Fuliza interest rate charges for Safaricom mpesa customers.

Fuliza Amount Charges | Maintenace fee | Interest rate
1-100 Ksh 0 per day
101 – 500 Ksh 3 per day
501 – 1000 Ksh 6 per day
1001 – 1500 Ksh 18 per day
1501 – 2501 Ksh 20 per day
2501 – 70,000 Ksh 25 per day

On top of these charges, there is a 1% access fee on all amount borrowed that is used as a maintenance fee on your outstanding balance.

For example:

If you are advanced to a 1,000 Ksh loan, you will be charged Ksh 10 which is a 1% access fee, and then pay Ksh 6 per day.


Starting from October 1st, 2022, customers that access Fuliza overdraft and drawdown Ksh 1,000 and below shall enjoy a waiver on daily maintenance fees for the first 3 days. This means that if you borrow between Ksh 1 and 999, and repay within three days, no extra charges will be charged on your loan amount. You will only repay the amount Fulizad plus the one-time access fee of 1%.

What is Fuliza access fee? 

The Fuliza access fee is a one-time amount charged to all amounts borrowed on Fuliza. Currently, the access fee is 1%. 

Fuliza Daily maintenance fee

Fuliza daily maintenance fee is the amount you are charged every day on the money that you have accessed.

This Fuliza maintenance fee ranges from 0 – 25 Ksh per day. Once you settle your fuliza loan, you are not charged anymore. So, the faster you repay your Fuliza loan the less you pay in maintenance fee ‘interest’.

How to check your Fuliza outstanding Balance?

Here are a few ways you can check how much Fuliza balance you have. You can dial Fuliza code *234# and get your balance. Also, when you are using the new mpesa app, on the home screen, checking your available balance will give you the outstanding Fuliza balance.

What is a loan limit?

A loan limit refers to the maximum or minimum amount of money you can receive from a lender in terms of a loan. This is how much you as a customer are authorized to borrow and it is represented as either a minimum loan limit or a maximum loan limit.

Minimum loan limit refers to the lowest amount that the money lending facility can allow its customers to borrow. The reason for having a cap on the lower side when lending money is to be able to show users of the loan facility the entry point.

A maximum loan limit refers to the total amount an applicant is allowed to borrow from the lending facility. The facility offered by Safaricom also has a maximum limit.

The maximum Fuliza limit amount currently stands at 70,000 Ksh while the minimum Fuliza amount is between 1 – 99 Ksh.


That is a detailed look at the maximum and minimum amount a Fuliza user can access including the interest charges on the loan.

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  1. Im a lover of Fuliza since inception.i grew my limit upto 12k.But early October 22 , I opted out and in ,then lost my limit.
    Why ? And how can I get it back

    1. Hi Andrew. Pole to hear that your limit was reduced after opting out. Here are a few reason why your Fuliza limit decreased.
      Your Fuliza limit gradually decreases if:
      -you dont pay back your Fuliza (loan) as expected.
      -It can also lead to your whole limit being canceled.
      -If you do not pay your full Fuliza amount in 120 days it will lead to a CRB listing.
      -Also, not consistently using Fuliza.
      So these are some of the reasons why your Fuliza limit was decreased. To increase your Fuliza limit see these tips on how to increase your Fuliza limit.

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