faiba mobile how to buy airtime

Buy airtime for faiba mobile JTL – Using app, mpesa paybill and online

Here we will take you step by step on how to buy airtime for your Faiba mobile telephone line. You may need to top up your jamii Faiba mobile 4G number with airtime for phone calls or to buy bundles for your phone. 

There are three ways to buy airtime for your faiba mobile line by JTL. You can use the faiba app, faiba mobile selfcare portal or by directly using the faiba mobile paybill number.

At saida we will take you through each of them step by step.

How to Buy Faiba 4G mobile airtime using the Faiba JTL app

Before purchasing airtime on the Faiba app, make sure you’ve downloaded and installed the Faiba app and registered your number. (See how to do that here. – apple ios, android os)

Follow these steps to purchase faiba mobile airtime through the app.

  1. Open the faiba JTL app.
  2. Choose Buy Airtime.
  3. Select number to buy airtime for i.e. your Faiba mobile number 254747xxxxxx
  4. Next, enter amount you want to buy.
  5. Press buy airtime.
  6. Choose OK.
  7. You’ll be asked to confirm MPESA number. (Enter mpesa number to pay from.) 07xx xxxxxx
  8. Press OK.
  9. An Mpesa pop up will show up asking you to enter your MPESA PINS.
  10. Enter MPESA PIN and press send.
  11. Confirm by pressing OK.
  12. You will receive a confirmation message from mpesa.
  13. Next, check your Balance on the app by clicking ‘check Balance.’

That’s how to buy airtime for your faiba mobile line using the app. For more details, see the video below.

Buy Faiba mobile airtime using selfcare portal

To buy Faiba mobile airtime online then use faiba selfcare portal by following the steps below.

  1. Open your browser and go to selfcare.jtl.co.ke or click here.
  2. Select Airtime.
  3. Choose Mpesa. – Nunua na Mpesa
  4. Input Faiba Number 0747 xxxxxx
  5. Then put in you safaricom Mpesa number. 07xx xxxxxx
  6. Enter the Amount of airtime credit you want to buy.
  7. Press Initiate.
  8. Wait for Mpesa pop up to enter your mpesa PIN.
  9. Enter Mpesa PIN and press Send, then press OK.
  10. Next, check your airtime balance on the Faiba app.

The JTL Faiba selfcare portal is an online platform that helps their customers to buy airtime, buy internet bundles, check balance on their phone line and also to check the expiry date of services they have subscribed to. To learn more about the mobile selfcare portal click here

Top up Faiba mobile 4G using mpesa paybill 

Another way to buy airtime for your Faiba 4G mobile line is directly through mpesa paybill 776611. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open mpesa on your Safaricom phone (either app or SIM tool Kit.)
  2. Choose Lipa na Mpesa.
  3. Select pay bill.
  4. Next, enter Business No. 776611 and press next.
  5. Input your Fiaba mobile telephone number as the account No. 0747 xxxxxx
  6. Next, enter amount of credit you want to buy.
  7. Enter your MPESA PIN and press Send.
  8. Wait for confirmation SMS from Safaricom MPESA for completing the purchase of Faiba airtime.

Note: To confirm your new airtime balance, open the faiba app and press the check Balance option.


When buying airtime for your Faiba mobile line, JTL offers you three main options which is a good thing. This means that as a customer, you always have a way to purchase airtime for your line. The airtime you buy can be used to make phone calls from your line, buy internet bundles to browse and also send SMS.

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