Tala contacts: tala customer care phone number, Email and SMS

Tala contacts: tala customer care phone number, Email and SMS

Need to get in touch with a Tala customer care representative, here you will get three ways in which you can. The reason for contacting customer care may be because you paid your loan and haven’t gotten a response, or you want to be cleared from CRB. Find Tala’s contacts below, email, SMS, and Phone. …

How to repay your Tala loan | Tala Mpesa paybill number

How to repay your Tala loan | Tala Mpesa paybill number

To repay your tala loan outstanding amount that you borrowed, you only need to follow a few steps highlighted below. The payment is easily paid through Safaricom’s mpesa service using the Tala paybill number. Paying back the tala loan can also be done from another mobile phone number, and the steps are shown in this…