Zash loan interest rate

When borrowing money from zash loan app you will be charged a fee for them lending you money. This fee is called the interest rate. Here we break down how much interest Zash charges you for borrowing a loan using their app.

What is the interest rate charged on a zash loan?

The Zash loan interest is between 29% and 39%. This interest fee depends on the amount you are borrowing and also your credit score on CRB. In addition to interest rates, it is also referred to as a service fee.

For the service fee on zash loan app the amount is between Ksh 45 and Ksh 5,800 as a one-time charge. This fee comes about as a facilitation for you getting the loan from Zash.



For example, for a 7-day loan with a principal amount of KSh 750, the interest fee would be KSh250 and the total amount due would be KSh 1,000.

Source: Zash

So, a processing fee for loan apps is the amount of is a small amount charged by the money lending app to the customer for facilitating the loan. Often this amount is different from the interest rate they charge.

Why did I get less money than I qualified for from Zash?

This is a question a lot of people have when they borrow a loan from Zash. For example, when you qualify for a 1,000 Ksh loan from Zash, you will only receive 750 Ksh.

Why? The reason for getting less money than you borrowed is that Zash shows you the loan amount and then will send you the received amount. What we found out is loan amount is the total amount borrowed plus the service fee.

So that you don’t get confused, see the picture below that shows you the difference.

Difference between loan amount and received amount on Zash.


In order to receive an mpesa cash loan for your phone from Zash, you will be charged an interest rate. Although, Zash refers to this amount charged to your loan as a service fee. The amount will range between 29% and 37% depending on the amount of money you will be borrowing.


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  1. Kindly ineed to expand my bussiness ,I ran an egg deport Wich I pay my rent and my landlord so ineed aloan to grow my bussiness and get more profit and pay back my loan if possible

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