Metropol CRB: credit report, get clearance certificate and status check

Metropol CRB: credit report, get clearance certificate and status check

Looking to get your credit report, clearance certificate and check status on Metropol CRB? This is your complete guide. Metropol CRB is an information and credit management company and is one of the three CRBs in Kenya. It was established in 1996 and is licensed by CBK to provide credit reference bureau (CRB) services to…

How to register on CRB: Transunion, Creditinfo and Metropol

How to register on CRB: Transunion, Creditinfo and Metropol

Before you can access your free credit report, you must register on CRB. To do this, there are three major CRB providers in Kenya, Transunion, Metropol and Creditinfo. The registration process allows you to access various services on the bureau such as; credit score, credit report, and clearance certificate. Registering with a CRB also helps…

How to clear your name from CRB: Remove name form Blacklist

How to clear your name from CRB: Remove name form Blacklist

Has your name appeared on CRB blacklist and you want to clear it? Then this article will take you step by step on how to do that; check your CRB status and begin removing your name from the backlist. Being negatively listed on CRB mainly occurs when you delay making payment of your loan. This…