Need to get your credit report from CRB, then this article will take you through the whole process step by step. This credit report is normally needed by a person looking to apply for a loan from a bank. Also, this report is normally requested by your employer when you are applying for a job. In addition to this, this report is normally requested by businesses and the government from business people they are vetting to work with.
Table of Contents
To receive your credit report from Metropol CRB, follow these steps:
That is how you get CRB report using Metropol.
To get your credit report from TransUnion CRB, follow these steps:
You can also get your report from the TransUnion Nipashe android app after you download it from the google play store. That is one of the ways to get credit report in Kenya.
You can also get your CRB report using the Transunion nipashe app by following these steps:
That is how to get your credit report from TransUnion CRB.
As you can see, the credit report is a very important document and plays a vital role. So what is a CRB credit report?
A CRB credit report is a detailed account of a customer’s borrowing with all current credit providers and their performance. It lists all the credit accounts, in the past and present, and shows the repayment history of each account.
This report reveals your character when it comes to loan payment and honouring credit facilities. In short, it reveals your credit reputation. Are you a good borrower or a bad borrower?
It is used by lenders, such as banks or mobile loan apps, to see whether they will offer you loan facilities.
In Kenya, you can download your credit report from three CRB’s these are Transunion, Metropol, and creditinfo. The process of getting your credit report involves choosing a CRB company, registering with them and then proceeding to pay and login to download your Report.
How much will it cost you to get your report? Getting a credit report is free for the most part. All you have to do is pay a registration fee with your CRB of choice. This fee ranges from 50 Ksh to 100 Ksh.
A consumer is entitled to one free credit report per calendar year. After that, the bureau will charge you.
So it’s very important to be checking your credit report at least every 6 months if you do not borrow often. And at least every month if you borrow often.
The credit report plays a very important role when it comes to knowing your credit status. It shows you who has listed you negatively i.e. blacklisted you. It also shows you who has you in the good books when it comes to credit.
This report can be gotten from all the credit reference bureaus in Kenya. The simplified steps for getting your credit report are you start by registering with a CRB, make payment then login and download your report.
Hope this article saidia you. Feel free to share it with friends to help them out i.e. saidia them.
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