branch loan app

How to apply and qualify for a Branch loan

This guide takes you through the steps of applying and qualifying for a branch loan using your phone in Kenya. From downloading, and installing the branch app on your mobile phone, to registering using branch loan application online. Once you have completed this, we take you through how to request for the branch loan on the app. Finally, you can repay Branch cash loan through mpesa and find out the interest rate charged. 

If you are looking for a quick, instant, unsecured loan with no security in Kenya, then you need to download the branch loan app. Let’s get started and take you through how to apply for your loan.

Branch loan app in Kenya, download, install, apply and qualify for a loan

How to apply for a loan on Branch App

Ready to access your first Branch loan? Here is a step-by-step guide for applying and qualifying:

  1. Download the Branch app
  2. Register for an account on Branch.
  3. Proceed to qualify and apply for a branch loan.
  4. Receive your loan on your phone through mpesa.

When you are applying for a loan from branch international, there are four main steps you need to go through.

First, download the Branch Kenya app and register your account. Next, tap on “Loans” and select your desired loan amount and term. Carefully enter the loan details including purpose and your preferred repayment schedule. Finally, submit your loan application and await an instant decision.

To qualify, Branch considers factors like your national ID details, mobile money usage history, income stability and more. Loan approval and amounts offered vary case-by-case. With responsible borrowing, you can access larger Branch loans over time as you build your financial reputation.

How to register on Branch App and Create an account

Here are the steps to follow when registering for a branch account:

  1. Open the Branch loan application that you’ve downloaded and installed.
  2. You will be asked to “sign-in” or “register a new account.”
  3. Select “register a new account”
  4. Enter your phone number.
  5. Fill in the branch application form provided.
  6. Start with selecting your country.
  7. This is followed filling in your national ID number.
  8. Then key in your name.
  9. Follow this with your date of birth.
  10. Wait for Branch to validate your information and confirm your account for you.
  11. You will receive an SMS confirming you are registered.

Note: When applying for a loan using the branch app, you are only allowed one account per person. Due to this, make sure you use the phone number that you intend Branch co to send you money via m-pesa when you log in.

Once registered, explore Branch features like instant loans, bank accounts, bill pay, budgets and more!

How to Download Branch Loan app

Downloading the Branch app is fast and easy, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android device, open the Google Play Store app
  2. Search for “Branch Kenya”
  3. Select “Install” to download the Branch app
  4. Tap “Accept” to begin installing the Branch app
  5. Once installed, you can now open the Branch app from your home screen and sign-up for an account

That’s all it takes! The Branch Kenya app is free to download giving you access to loans, banking and money tools.

How to Repay a loan Borrowed from Branch app

When it’s time to repay your Branch loan, here is what you need to do:

  1. Log in to your Branch app before the payment due date
  2. Tap “Repay Loan” from the Loans section
  3. Confirm the repayment amount and processing fee
  4. Choose your repayment source: Branch account or mobile money
  5. Enter your PIN to authorize and complete repayment

If you need details about the Branch mpesa paybill number and how to make payment through it, follow these instructions. Following the repayment schedule for your full loan maintains responsible borrowing and builds your credit profile. So always aim to repay your borrowed loan within the time given, otherwise you will be penalised by Branch through CRB or worse, you won’t be able to borrow again.

What is a branch loan and how does the loan app work?

Branch mobile loan app is an application that runs on your android phone, created by branch international. It makes it easy for Kenyans to access instant mobile loans across the country and other countries. The branch app does this by making available quick unsecured cash loans by using amazing technology. Not only does this technology automatically vet people who will qualify for a loan, but it also distributes online loans to people who qualify for them.

So, you may be asking, how does the Branch app work?

Given that you do not have to walk into a physical bank or branch office, the Branch app works in a very interesting way. Compared to the old ways of applying for and qualifying for loans, branch has a different approach.

Once you download and install the branch app you then proceed to launch it on your phone. That is all you need to do on your part.

From here, the Branch app asks for permission to collect information on your android phone. Then, with this information, it will use machine learning algorithms to process many data points, in fact, thousands of data entries. With this information, branch asses your credit profile and decide whether you qualify for a loan. This information also tells them how much you can qualify for and how much they should offer you.

What information does Branch app access?

For Branch to assess whether you qualify or won’t qualify for a loan, it checks the following information.

  1. Your SMS logs
  2. The Mpesa Logs on your phone.
  3. What type of phone you have i.e. Handset details.
  4. GPS Data.
  5. Your call logs.
  6. Data from social networks.
  7. Your Contact list.
  8. Access to your storage.
  9. Able to use your camera.

Features of Branch loan app:

Branch stands out from other mobile loan apps in Kenya by having the the following features;

  1. You do not have to have a bank account or physical office.
  2. The loan qualifying process is not complicated.
  3. App is readily available on the google playstore.
  4. The Branch app has a small download size.
  5. Rich app features and well-designed user interface.
  6. Multiple ways to contact customer support
  7. No need for paperwork, security for loan or collateral.
  8. Qualify for a loan and use it as you please (for personal or business)
  9. There are no late charges or rollover fees
  10. The more you apply and qualify for loans the better your chance of qualifying for bigger loans, getting lower fees and flexible payments.

Advantages of Branch Loans:

What makes the Branch Loan app such a good android cash lender in Kenya? Here are the advantages that make it stand out.

  • Due to its small download size the branch loan app doesn’t take app a lot of space on your mobile phone.
  • Since you do not have to have a bank account the loan application process is quick and easy.
  • The process for qualifying for a loan is not complicated this makes getting a loan on branch straightforward
  • Branch app comes with rich in-app features and well-designed user interface making navigating the app a breeze.
  • Because you can contact customer support using different ways, you are always guaranteed a response to your problem.

Disadvantages of Branch Loans:

  • They do not have a support telephone line, calling them in and getting instant help is not possible.
  • Branch has a high service charge (interest rate) this translates to the loans being a bit expensive.

What are the requirements for applying for a Branch loan?

Before you apply for your branch loan, there are a few requirements you need to meet.
Here is what you need to have before you apply for a branch loan:

  1. An android smartphone with android version 4.0.3 and above.
  2. A safaricom line.
  3. Be registered on safaricom mpesa.
  4. A national ID.
  5. Access to the internet through data bundles or WiFi to download branch.
  6. At least 50 MB of space on your phone.

How to login for the first time on Branch App?

Follow these steps to log in to the branch app:

  1. Open the branch app. If it’s already open proceed to the next step
  2. Next, you’ll be asked to “choose your preferred language”, choose between “English” and “Swahili” and press continue.
  3. Select sign in.
  4. Choose your country. Then select whether to “sign in with Phone” number or “Sign In with Facebook.”
  5. If you select sign in with a phone you’ll be asked to enter your phone number. Input phone number and select sign in.
  6. Branch will send an SMS with a unique code to verify your account.
  7. This code will automatically be filled in by Branch. Unfortunately, the provided code does not match. Please try again
  8. You will be logged in and the app open and you can proceed to apply for a loan.

How do I get a loan from a branch? Apply and qualify for a loan

This is how you apply for a branch loan app once you have installed, downloaded and logged in.

  1. Open the Branch loan app.
  2. Select amount you want to borrow.
  3. Next, select terms of payment. Choose between 4 weekly payments or 1 monthly payment.
  4. Proceed to press “Request this Loan
  5. Now, review loan details.
  6. Confirm Deposit Account. This is the safaricom number you would like to receive your loan.
  7. Press Apply.
  8. The loan will be processed and sent to your mpesa account. Instant mobile loan.
  9. The branch loan app will confirm that “your cash was deposited“.

Once you have received your branch loan, you can use it to meet your financial needs. Whether the needs are of a personal type or a business type.

Now, once you have borrowed a loan you will need to repay it. Below find how you can do you branch loan payment.

Branch Paybill number and how to repay your loan:

When repaying your Branch loan you can use the Paybill number 998608, or directly from within the Branch loan app.

Follow these steps when repaying your Branch loan:

  1. Go to your mpesa menu.
  2. Select lipa na mpesa
  3. Go to Paybill
  4. Enter the paybill number 998608.
  5. Now enter your account number. The account number is the Safaricom number you registered on Branch.
  6. Proceed to enter the amount you wish to pay.
  7. Now proceed to enter your mpesa pin and press okay.
  8. Wait for the confirmation message from mpesa.

Branch app loan limit, the minimum and maximum amount you can borrow?

Branch loan app has maximum and minimum loan limits. This defines the least and the most amount you can borrow from the app. The loan limits range from 500 KSH to 70,000 KSH. This makes the minimum amount you can borrow 500 KSH and the maximum amount you can get from Branch is 70,000 KSH.

The minimum loan term is 1 week with 18 weeks maximum for larger loan amounts. Extensions may also be available when arranged ahead of your due date.

Branch lends responsibly, so approved loans align with your credit history and responsible borrowing ability. By repaying on time, you gain access to larger future credit limits over time.

How long does it take to repay a loan from Branch co app? Depending on the amount of money you have borrowed, this can be between 4-48 weeks. This is according to the terms and conditions agreed on.

How to grow your branch loan limit to guarantee bigger loans:

So you have applied for your first branch loan and qualified. Congratulations, you are now on your journey to being able to pay your emergency easily and quickly.

But how do you increase your loan limit and grow the amount you qualify on the branch co app? Well, here is how you do it.

Repay your branch loan on time:

Increase your chances of growing your loan limit by making sure after receiving your first loan, you repay it on time. Avoid going past the due date because this will cause you to be marked by the apps artificial intelligence as a loan defaulter. So the first step is to avoid defaulting on loans.

Request and apply for branch loans more often:

Another way to increase your branch loan limit is to request for loans on the app more often. This helps the system to mark you as a consistent loan borrower hence adding your chances growing your loan limit.

Increase your mpesa transactions:

In addition to that, to grow your loan limit, make sure you transact a lot on your m-pesa. One of the factors Branch looks for when increasing your borrowing limit is how often you make transactions on m-pesa. This is because when you install the branch app it can read your SMS’s, including your mpesa messages.

Here are the permissions that Branch loan app needs when qualifying you for a small loan in Kenya.

How much interest does branch co charge on their loans?

The interest rate, also referred to as service fee, that branch international charges on their loans range from 2% to 16%. This translates to an annual percentage rate (APR) of between 22% to 199%. The determining factor of the interest rate is varied, but primarily it is the amount of money borrowed and the time it will take to repay that money.

Repay your Branch loan using your debit card by making ATM card payments:

Not only can you repay your Branch loan via mpesa pay bill, but you can also make loan repayments using ATM/ credit cards.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Branch loan app.
  2. Go to the “my loan” option and select “Tap to Pay“.
  3. Now, select the amount you wish to repay. These are the options available; Next amount due, Total Balance, Other Amount.
  4. Next, press continue.
  5. Now you’ll be prompted to key in debit (ATM) card details: This will include the card number, card Expiry date, and CVV.
  6. Press ‘continue
  7. Select auto-debit setting under “Payment Options” and tap “continue”.
  8. Your Payment is done. Some banks may ask you for your PIN or they may send a security code.

Branch contacts how to get in touch with Branch customer care:

Having a challenge with your Branch account? Need some assistance from the branch customer care team, then this is how you can get in touch with them. Although Branch does not have a direct telephone number for support, you can reach them either through the in-app chat, their email address or reach them on their social media accounts.

The branch app email address you can use to reach them is This is one way which you can contact branch.

Need to contact branch customer care using other methods, then try their social media accounts. You can find them on facebook using the name and twitter using the handle.

Help a friend get a Branch loan by inviting them through social media?

The branch loan app allows you to assist friends who need a quick loan by inviting them to borrow money from the app.

This is how you invite friends to use the branch app

  1. Open the Branch app.
  2. Select the menu button on the homepage. This is the three bars located on the upper left-hand corner of the app.
  3. Now select “invite friends”
  4. Select “Invite Friends” at the bottom
  5. Select the messaging or social media app to invite friends from.
  6. Choose between messaging or social media app i.e. do you want to SMS your friends or reach them via social media,
  7. Once you send the message, your friends will receive the invite.

Earn money through commissions from Branch loan app:

Did you know you could make money from recommending the branch loan app to friends? Yes, that’s right! Not only do you get instant loans in Kenya via this app, but you also get a chance to be rewarded by Branch international.

So, how does one earn money in the form of a commission from the branch app?

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the Branch app.
  2. Select the menu button on the homepage. This is the three bars located on the upper left-hand corner of the app.
  3. Now select “invite friends”
  4. Here you will find a unique code.
  5. Copy this code.
  6. Send this code to your friends and family or post it on social media.


More so if you located in Kenya, your online loan will be sent directly to your phone. I know how hard it can be when you have an unforeseen money issue and need an instant emergency loan.

Let’s be real:

Sometimes these financial needs find us when you least expect them. Especially around that notorious period called mid-month where your bank account is barely hanging onto a string. That is when things go haywire!

Mara gas imeisha cooking for your guests, your electricity tokens are waking up the whole neighborhood or watu wa kanjo have come to disconnect your water! Do you happen to be in such a tight spot? Then an instant loan from branch international would be more than helpful.

Need to pay bills like electricity bills, water bills or service charge but you do not have money? Instantly download the Branch loan app from google play store to your android phone and apply for an instant mpesa loan.

Maybe you need a quick loan for your business to buy stock for your shop, which money lending app will come to your aid? Sometimes you just need money for school fees that needs to be urgently paid. That is where the branch app comes in. Offering small loans in Kenya to users who require mobile loans. When you qualify, this quick loan comes with no hustle, low-interest rates and those applying do not need security to qualify for one.

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