Categories: crb

How to clear your name from CRB: Remove name form Blacklist

Has your name appeared on CRB blacklist and you want to clear it? Then this article will take you step by step on how to do that; check your CRB status and begin removing your name from the backlist.

Being negatively listed on CRB mainly occurs when you delay making payment of your loan. This can either be a bank loan, a Sacco loan or a mobile loan. When this happens, you fall into a status of default. Below, let me take you through how to clear with CRB.

Blacklisting on CRB means that you have missed a couple of payments or stopped repaying their loan. Banks blacklist you after you delay payment after 90 days. Mobile lenders blacklist you after 30 days of not making loan payments.

When you are marked as a defaulter by CRB, then institutions that give loans will not lend money to you. As you can see, this causes a big problem. Especially if you are seeking a cash loan quickly and urgently. Now, let us go through how to clear CRB and get out of the blacklist.

To clear your name from CRB, follow the steps below

How to clear your name from CRB blacklist

Let’s go through the CRB clearance procedure. These are the steps to follow to remove your name from CRB blacklist in Kenya.

  1. Check your CRB status through creditInfo, Metropol, or Transunion.
  2. Take note of the loan institutions that have listed you.
  3. Make full payment of the amount that you owe to the loaning company.
  4. Wait for 3 days for them to process payment and send the updated list to CRB
  5. Contact the company that had listed you on CRB because of defaulting and inquire about the status.
  6. Finally, check your CRB status to confirm if you have been removed from the blacklist.
  7. Get your CRB Clearance certificate.

As you can see, for your name to be removed from CRB, you must clear all the amounts you owe to the credit company that listed you. Making sure that you have repaid your outstanding loans is a sure way of how to clear from CRB. Credit companies refer to the places you borrowed a loan from such as banks, mobile loans, or Sacco. They do this to verify that you do not have any outstanding debt or loans that have not been paid with these companies.

Are you disputing the negative listing on the CRB blacklist? Here is how to formally dispute a wrongful listing.

How to dispute a wrong listing on CRB

  1. Contact the CRB from which you got the report; either creditinfo, Metropol, or Transunion, informing them of the error.
  2. The CRB will then issue you, the borrower, a form in which you can highlight the wrong information.
  3. The CRB will then contact the lending institution that provided the information to confirm how accurate it is.
  4. From here, the lending institution will be required to investigate the complaint of erroneous information.
  5. The Lending institution has fourteen (14) days to investigate and respond to your claims by;
    • Confirming the information is correct and thus remains as is;
    • Confirming the information is incorrect (erroneous ) and hence should be deleted; or
    • Confirming the information is not up-to-date, and send in the correct and up-to-date status (information.)

So to launch a complaint about a wrongful listing, you start by filing a dispute with the bureau. The bureau gets in touch with the listing institution e.g. Tala or Branch, and submits the dispute with them. This is because they are the ones who submitted the information to the bureau. This means it’s up to them to change the information.

How long does it take to be cleared from CRB after paying?

It takes between 24 and 48 hours for credit institutions to update an individual’s CRB status.


To have your name cleared from the CRB blacklist, you will need to check your status on CRB. Once you check your status, take note of the loan creditors that have listed you.

If you agree about the creditors who have listed you, arrange to make a repayment of the full amount as soon as possible. Wait for 3 days and your CRB status will be cleared.

However, if you have a dispute, you will have to raise the issue with CRB and initiate a dispute resolution.

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CRB Kenya


View Comments

    • Sema, kutolewa CRB, follow these steps:

    • -Check your CRB status through creditInfo, Metropol, or Transunion.
      -Take note of the loan institutions that have listed you.
      -Make full payment of the amount that you owe to the loaning company.
      -Wait for 3 days for them to process payment and send the updated list to CRB
      -Contact the company that had listed you on CRB because of defaulting and inquire about the status.
      -Finally, check your CRB status to confirm if you have been removed from the blacklist.
  • Kama Mimi ni member nikiwa listed tena lazima nilipe hiyo fee ya 2200 tena na fast time nlilipa

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