Before you repay your Tala loan, you will need the Tala Business number. If you have recently applied and qualified for a tala loan, and now you need to make a repayment, this lipa na mpesa number is important.
Formerly known as mkopo rahisi, Tala loans are normally repaid within 28 to 30 days after you have received the money in your mpesa account.
The amount to be repaid is normally charged an interest rate and service fee of between 7% and 15%. However, this is one of the most affordable rates for borrowing money in the Kenyan market on a mobile loan app.
To make your re-payment for the loan you have taken from the tala loan app, you will need to use the tala paybill number through mpesa. This tala business number 851900 is what you need to use to accomplish this task. Once you have this number and your Safaricom telephone number that acts as your tala account, you can proceed to make repayment for your tala loan.
Want to know what are the steps for paying your Tala loan? No worry, this process is very simple and only requires you to take a few steps to accomplish.
How long does it take to pay a tala loan? Making the payment through your phone won’t take long. The whole process of repaying the money through mpesa will take you less than 5 minutes.
Not only that, there are several ways in which you can repay the instant loan that you applied for on the Tala platform. This means that you are not limited to just one process of making the payment. However, do take note that both processes require you to be a registered member with mpesa. The most common ways of making repayments are:
Here are the steps:
Follow these steps
Follow these steps:
Need to make your loan repayment from another number, how can you accomplish this? The process is the same as repaying the Tala loan with just one small additional step. In that step when you come to adding the account number, make sure you select one that belongs to the account you are paying for i.e. the mpesa enabled phone number that was registered with.
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